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Appartoo is a website allowing you to find new roomates. its USP is to do a matching between profiles, allowing them to find good mates. They contacted me so I can work on the V2 of their website. It will be build with Symfony 3 as back-end and. It will be linked to a mobile app […]
Optelo is a company offering a Marketing SMS solutin. They wanted to offer a new feature to their customers : the possibility to build landing pages and integrate them inside their SMS campaign. For this, they contacted me to develop the solution. What is this solution ? The solution I worked on, was a Landing Page […]
Scenario, by Convertize i a SAAS software for Convertion Rate Optimisation (CRO). It contains a live website update and a deep tracking system. It’s strength against it’s competitors is a library of neuroscience tactics. Based on cognitive ease, they will allow you to improve your website and your conversion rate. Based on AngularJS and Symfony […]