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Landing Page

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Autopsy of a Home Page : The Testimonials

You’re probably like every other human being. You’re using word of mouth to know which services you will use. You’re trusting your family, your friends. You’ve tried this small restaurant a co-worker told you about last week. You’ve been to the theatre, watch this high rated movie on IMDB. You’re working with people that your […]

Autopsy of a Landing Page : The Call to Action

This blog post if the second one where I will look over components you must have in your landing pages. You can see here my first post about the main headline. Theses points have already been tested by many companies in the world. They are also backed by serious neuroscience studies. Today, let’s continue with […]

Autopsy of a Landing Page : The Main Headline

This blog post if the first one where I will look over components you must have in your landing pages. Theses points have already been tested by many companies in the world. They are also backed by serious neuroscience studies. Today, let’s start by the begining : The main headline. Description : What is the main […]

Landing Page Study #1 : Pay your employees with Payfit

This is the first blog post of a list where I will ty to autopsy different landing pages from top companies. I wil see which persuasions techniques they are using, UX design tricks, wording… In this first episode, I will have a look of the french version of a growing start up : Payfit. Presentation […]
